21 Kualitas Pemimpin Sejati
Ringkasan dari buku berjudul 21 kualitas kepemimpinan sejati (The 21 Indispensable Qualities of A Leader) yang ditulis dalam 21 posting terakhir blog ini akhirnya telah selesai. Buku ini ditulis oleh John Maxwell dan edisi terjemahannya diterbitkan oleh Interaksara. Isinya adalah 21 karakteristik pribadi yang dibutuhkan untuk menjadi seorang pemimpin yang efektif.
Karakteristik tersebut adalah:
#1: Character: Be a Piece of the Rock
#2: Charisma: The First Impression Can Steal the Deal
#3: Commitment: It Separates Doers from Dreamers
#4: Communication: Without It You Travel Alone
#5: Competence: If You Build It, They Will Come
#6: Courage: One Person with Courage Is a Majority
#7: Discernment: Put an End to Unsolved Mysteries
#8: Focus: The Sharper It Is, the Sharper You Are
#9: Generosity: Your Candle Loses Nothing When It Lights Another
#10: Initiative: You Won't Leave Home Without It
#11: Listening: To Connect With Their Hearts, Use Your Ears
#12: Passion: Take This Life and Love It
#13: Positive Attitude: If You Believe You Can, You Can
#14: Problem Solving: You Can't Let Your Problems Be a Problem
#15: Relationships: If You Get Along, They'll Go Along
#16: Responsibility: If You Won't Carry the Ball, You Can't Lead the Team
#17: Security: Competence Never Compensates for Insecurity
#18: Self-Discipline: The First Person You Lead Is You
#19: Servanthood: To Get Ahead, Put Others First
#20: Teachability: To Keep Leading, Keep Learning
#21: Vision: You Can Seize Only What You Can See
Yang paling penting adalah kita dapat menerapkan apa yang telah kita dapatkan dari bacaan ini, karena memahami kepemimpinan dan menerapkannya adalah hal yang benar-benar berbeda.
Karakteristik tersebut adalah:
#1: Character: Be a Piece of the Rock
#2: Charisma: The First Impression Can Steal the Deal
#3: Commitment: It Separates Doers from Dreamers
#4: Communication: Without It You Travel Alone
#5: Competence: If You Build It, They Will Come
#6: Courage: One Person with Courage Is a Majority
#7: Discernment: Put an End to Unsolved Mysteries
#8: Focus: The Sharper It Is, the Sharper You Are
#9: Generosity: Your Candle Loses Nothing When It Lights Another
#10: Initiative: You Won't Leave Home Without It
#11: Listening: To Connect With Their Hearts, Use Your Ears
#12: Passion: Take This Life and Love It
#13: Positive Attitude: If You Believe You Can, You Can
#14: Problem Solving: You Can't Let Your Problems Be a Problem
#15: Relationships: If You Get Along, They'll Go Along
#16: Responsibility: If You Won't Carry the Ball, You Can't Lead the Team
#17: Security: Competence Never Compensates for Insecurity
#18: Self-Discipline: The First Person You Lead Is You
#19: Servanthood: To Get Ahead, Put Others First
#20: Teachability: To Keep Leading, Keep Learning
#21: Vision: You Can Seize Only What You Can See
Yang paling penting adalah kita dapat menerapkan apa yang telah kita dapatkan dari bacaan ini, karena memahami kepemimpinan dan menerapkannya adalah hal yang benar-benar berbeda.
Ayo, mana nih lanjutannya ? Ada rencana nggak mau bahas topik baru apa ?
Posted by
Anonymous |
June 26, 2006 11:06 AM
sebenarnya udah ada sih beberapa topik yang pingin ditulis, cuma masih butuh sedikit waktu luang :-)
Posted by
Yohan Yudanara |
June 27, 2006 3:44 AM