Configure Oracle Application Server Logs
To configure Oracle App Server logs, we can use this attributes:
1. stdstream.filesize=max_file_size
log maximum file size. The log will rotate automatically when maximum size reached
2. stdstream.filenumber=max_files
maximum file count. The oldest file automatically deleted when this number reached
3. stdstream.rotatetime=HH:mm
time for daily rotation of log file
Usage sample:
* To rotate stdout/stderr log when log file has reached 12 MB and place the log file to folder d:\logs
* To rotate stdout everyday at 14.30 and limit the log file for 30 days
The above configuration should be put in opmn.xml which is by default located in C:\product\\OracleAS_1\opmn\conf\opmn.xml
The name of logs file will look like.
1. stdstream.filesize=max_file_size
log maximum file size. The log will rotate automatically when maximum size reached
2. stdstream.filenumber=max_files
maximum file count. The oldest file automatically deleted when this number reached
3. stdstream.rotatetime=HH:mm
time for daily rotation of log file
Usage sample:
* To rotate stdout/stderr log when log file has reached 12 MB and place the log file to folder d:\logs
java -Dstdstream.filesize=12 -jar oc4j.jar -out d:\logs\oc4j.out -err d:\logs\oc4j.err
* To rotate stdout everyday at 14.30 and limit the log file for 30 days
java -Dstdstream.rotatetime=14:30 -Dstdstream.filenumber=30 -jar oc4j.jar -out d:\logs\oc4j.out
The above configuration should be put in opmn.xml which is by default located in C:\product\\OracleAS_1\opmn\conf\opmn.xml
<category id="start-parameters">With the above example, log of stdout and stderr will show up in $ORACLE_HOME/j2ee/home/home_default_group_1.
<data id="java-options" value="-server$ORACLE_HOME/j2ee/home/config/java2.policy -Djava.awt.headless=true -Dstdstream.filesize=12 -Dstdstream.filenumber=5"/>
<data id="oc4j-options" value="-out std.out -err std.err"/>
The name of logs file will look like.